.ORI sto. na "dizajn = design"
.ORI sto. prototyp
From the beginning, there was a possibility of safe and comfortable shelter during the journey. For the people venturing into virgin rainforests it is a particular challenge because of many dangers which they can find. My project is a attempt of dealing with this problem... there is a simple principle rule: the minimum area of touching the surrounding =protection from threats. It is totally confirmed by experienced travelers. That is why I decided to rise a sleeping place above the ground, out of the harm's way. In this way a cocoon-a hanging tent- arose. The only touch is an 8mm wire. Despite that, at the beginning, terminal target were supposed to be people trekking rainforests, indeed, a customer can be everybody- even a person coming to the town and having no place to spend a night in. This tent is thought to be compact and light. After taking down, all elements fit the cover 45x22x16cm, which can be easily attached to a backpack.
.ORI sto.
.ORI sto. Jest stołkiem zainspirowanym origami. W wyniku tej inspiracji powstał produkt o prostej lekkiej formie. Zastosowanie metody zginania i nacinania papieru pozwoliło spełnić podstawowe założenie projektowe takie jak łatwość i małe koszty produkcji, dzięki czemu może on być w prosty sposób wytwarzany masowo. Dlatego stołek skierowany jest do masowego odbiorcy w każdej postaci głównie budynki użyteczności publicznej, ale również mieszkania i domy prywatne. .ORI sto. jest obecnie na etapie realizacji prototypu.
"designing in teheran" building A - first prize
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Project description:
1. Retail vs. public spaces. Urban /social influence of the design. The main goal during the design process of this building was to create public space using innovative way of creating retail areas. Passage on the ground floor is always open and can act like a small “inner” street. There are two green areas closing it from both sides creating a kind of oasis next to noisy Vali Asr Street. The social problem of modern retail spaces is that customers are just anonymous strangers who never talk to each other. How noisy and full of life the old markets were and how silent and dull modern shops often are? This project has an ambition to change it. The passage idea, already mentioned is nothing new. But the way of shopping is. It forces customers to think about other people in the shop. There is a big slide fixed to the ceiling. Clothes are hanging on it. If you want to see some item you have to move also some other clothes to get yours. This could cause inconvenience to the others. If you want to avoid it, you have to negotiate with other customers interested in this group of items how you can move all the clothes not to disturb them.
2. Architecture /form. Form of the building follows two factors: a) reminiscence of ziggurat, which was one of the earliest forms on this land. b) functional requirements of the program Factor a), like the social goal of retail area, is corresponding with the historic context of this place.
3. Architecture /detail. Façade is covered with engraved aluminum panels. It protects the interior from overheating and creates a decorative, complex shade inside the building. Pattern on the elevation corresponds with Persian decoration. On office and apartment floors window shutters are also made of these panels so the façade stays homogeneous in its design.
4. Circulation for different functions within the building. Core in the middle of the building is responsible for vertical routing. There are 4 groups of elevators covering the needs of different users and one common fire evacuation staircase. Elevator 1 – public use. It is placed between hall on the ground floor and level1. Elevator 2 – technical lift between storage rooms.Elevator 3 – apartment use.Elevator 4 – office use. There are two elevators to cover 5 office floors.